Tuesday 13 October 2015

MEDIA OWNERSHIP: Who owns what and does it matter?







  1. Research who Rupert Murdoch is. Make a mind-map (using https://www.text2mindmap.com/) of his companies, who runs them and in which countries he has businesses.  
    • Add a screen grab or a link of/to your mind map on your blog.

EXTENSION: Search for and read, ‘BBC News Murdoch attack on 'dominant' BBC’ (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8227915.stm).

Answer the following questions:

  1. In your own words, what are the points he makes about the BBC’s power?
  2. What do you think? Does the BBC have too much power and should we have the licence fee?

  1. Imagine you are someone as powerful as Rupert Murdoch. You have decided you do not like the government in Britain. Think of ways you can USE the media YOU own to convince your readers and viewers that the government is no good.
  2. Media terminology: find out what the following words mean…
    MONOPOLY                CONGLOMERATE                   MULTI-NATIONAL
    MEDIA TYCOON         PLURALITY                              PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTER


  1. Pick one of the TV channels you have watched. Do some research into who owns it - how they are funded?

  • Present your findings in any way you wish on your blogsite.


    • Use 5-10 bullet points to summarise the main issues the video presents.


  1. Consider everything that you have learnt over the last half term, through this project, what do you think are the main issues related to media ownership?
    • Explain, in full sentences (on your blog), giving evidence to support your points.

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