Monday, 15 February 2016

Creativity Extended Learning Project
 the next half term, you should complete the following tasks, which all explore the concept of CREATIVITY.


The tasks completed should be posted on your blog, however the method of presentation is completely up to you – BE CREATIVE!


Task 1:  Define Creativity

  1. Without looking up an official definition, create your own definition of creativity.
  2. Now find an official definition.
    1. Compare you definition and the official one:
      1. What are the similarities and differences?
      2. Which, in your opinion is better, and why?


Task 2: Creativity and Originality people think that originality, and thus creativity, is ‘dead’ – that we no longer experience anything that isn’t an imitation, in some way, of a previous text.


  1. Look at this (right) quotation by Herman Melville, do you agree with him or do you think that imitation can still be creative?
  2. Find an example of a media text (music video, advert, album artwork, film poster etc.) that you think imitates another media text, whilst still being creative.


Task 3: ‘Colourbleed’

  1. Watch the short film, Colourbleed’ (
  2. In what way could this short film be considered creative?  Consider:
    1. Use of camerawork (shots, angles and moves)
    2. Mise-en-scene (colour, lighting, setting, props, costume, make up etc.)
    3. Sound
    4. Narrative
    5. Representation of characters


Task 4: Inspiring Creativity

  1. Evidence (in whatever media form you feel is appropriate) you taking the advice given at the end of the article.
    1. Describe how this inspired you creatively: what creative decisions have you made as a result?


Task 5: Be Creative

This is your chance to be even creative!


  1. Go back to your definition of creativity from Task 1.  Present your definition in a creative manner – be as adventurous, original and unique as possible.

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